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A dissertation on the anatomy of the brain
read in the assembly held in M. Thevenot's house in the year 1665 Steensen, Niels, 1638-1686    Hvalsö, Gotfredsen    Anno: 1950
Steensen, Niels, 1638-1686
A dissertation on the anatomy of the brain : read in the assembly held in M. Thevenot's house in the year 1665 / Nicolaus Steno ; with a preface and notes by Edv. Gotfredsen
Copenhagen : Nyt Nordisk forlag, 1950.
Hvalsö, Gotfredsen
Die nordische Medizin und ihre Rückwirkung auf Deutschland / von Edv. Gotfredsen Hvalsö
Müchen : J.F. Lehmanns, [1940?]